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Energy sector

The Carbfix technology was developed within the renewable energy sector, more specifically the geothermal sector. The technology can be applied to efficiently reduce CO2 emissions from power generation. Carbfix offers consultancy services and carries out feasibility studies which are tailored to each project and facility. Factors such as flue gas composition, local geology and water availability determine whether on-site storage or transport to offsite storage facilities are most feasible for customers wanting to permanently turning their CO2 emissions to stone. As is explained here, Carbfix can be deployed as either a single step or two step capture and storage solution.

Industrial scale capture and storage operations at the Hellisheidi Geothermal Power Plant remains our flagship project to date as this is where the Carbfix technology was developed, proven and brought to industrial scale. At Hellisheidi, Carbfix, in collaboration with power plant operator ON Power, has managed to significantly reduce CO2 and H2S emissions since 2014, following successful pilot-scale injections in 2012. The gases are co-captured in a scrubbing tower with annual capacity of about 12,000 tonnes of CO2 and 6,000 tonnes of H2S, about 30% and 75% of the plant’s emissions respectively. Plans call for bringing capture and storage capacity to near zero emission by 2025.

Cost of industrial scale Carbfix operations at Hellisheidi are less than $25/ton, which is competitive with price of carbon allowances on the ETS market and cheaper than alternative CCS methods. The technology is applicable beyond the geothermal sector and can be deployed in relation to power generation from coal, gas, biomass and beyond.